Young Life focuses on building genuine relationships with students, sharing the gospel in relatable ways, and providing environments where they can explore faith and feel loved. Central to Young Life’s philosophy are the "Five C's," which guide its approach:
The Five C’s of Young Life:
Contact Work
- Because kids don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care, Young Life leaders show they care by going where kids are, meeting them as they are, and believing in who they can be. Within Young Life we call the persistent going out into the world of kids "contact work," but kids just call it friendship.
- What is it about Young Life club that makes it the best night of the week for thousands of kids every week? We like to think of it as a party with a purpose. It's controlled chaos that's almost impossible to describe, but kids know it when they see it. And before the party ends, we share a simple message about God's love for them. Everyone is welcomed to club and leaders care for students regardless of their faith.
- Campaigners is a small-group setting where students dive deeper into faith and the Bible. These gatherings encourage open discussions and provide tools for young people to grow spiritually and live out their faith. Young Life leaders also encourage these kids to celebrate their faith through participation in a local congregation.
- Young Life camps are "the best week of their lives," offering outdoor adventures, deep community, and sharing who Jesus is. These camps give students the space to consider what a relationship with Jesus means.
- Behind the scenes, local adult supporters (the Committee) work to fundraise, pray, and offer guidance for the ministry. They play a critical role in ensuring Young Life thrives in their communities.
At its heart, Young Life emphasizes building relationships and creating environments where students feel loved, heard, and encouraged to explore faith on their terms. Through these Five C's, Young Life invites adolescents to experience the hope and purpose in Jesus Christ.